Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is often referred to as the cream of the dentistry. The objective in this department is to minimally invade the tissues and preserve as much as the natural tooth structure of the teeth damaged rather than extracting the teeth. The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is committed to provide excellent education to our undergraduate / postgraduate students and conduct research that will benefit our patients.

The Department has various modules for elevating standards of education of students, the interaction module being the best. The relationship between the faculty and students are very cordial which gives us an opportunity to excel in our area of interest. Here, special qualities of students are identified and a fruitful environment is provided for student’s growth. We are always encouraged to carry out new research activities with the support of required materials and funds.

Most of the clinical procedures like root canal therapy, complex direct and indirect restorations, endodontic surgery, microscopic endodontics, smile designing, aesthetic dentistry, digital endodontics are done under the supervision of head of the department and all other expert faculties with free hand, which helps the students to expertise their skills.

All the faculty members guide and support the students very well.

All faculty and students participate with enthusiasm in the various curricular and extra-curricular activities, like CONS-ENDO Day Celebrations, Women’s Day Celebrations, Ganpati Festival, Sarswati Pooja, Dentist Day celebrations, observance of National Anti- Tobacco Day etc.